Find and Run Robot 2.77.02
>> Saturday, August 29, 2009

* Ready to run, right out-of-the-box with no configuration needed.
* The most customizable application of its kind, for those who love to tweak settings.
* Caches programs you launch for instantaneous repeat searches and adaptive scoring.
* Comes with dozens of built-in special alias commands that allow you to perform tons of different web searches and other operations.
* Create and share (xml) alias packs with your friends or download them from our site to add custom commands and menus.
* Install (open source) plugins to add advanced functionality.
* A dozen plugins are available at launch time, including a powerful clipboard monitor and searcher; a live calculator with history tape and persistant variables; a bookmark searcher plugin that supports firefox, internet explorer, and opera; plugins to manage running processes, uninstall programs, change the default printer, control external applications, and more.
* Low system overhead, fully portable and runnable from a USB thumbdrive, and doesn't mess with your registry.
* Drag+Drop results from the result view; quick right click to access file system properties or advanced functions.
* No file indices are used, so results are always up to date with minimal memory use.
* Choose from dozens of skins and customize the fonts sizes of all graphical elements of the user interface, or turn off skins completely and revert to default Windows user interface. Choose between a compact small-icon mode, or an easy-to-read large icon mode.
* Full directory browsing function with live search filtering -- manually browse and locate the files you are looking for.
* Customizable toolbar for common functions and operations (optional; with drag+drop support).
* Automatic updating for main program and plugins (optional).
* Customize hotkey triggers to launch and perform specific searches, or copy selected text to the clipboard at launch .
* Fully documented and actively developed with new features being added regularly based on user requests on our forum.
* Completely free; signup requested and donation recommended -- your donations fund continued development!
Size: 5.55MB
Publisher: Visit Website
OS: Win 9x/2000/XP/Vista/7
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